Chicken Madeira Recipe -->

Chicken Madeira Recipe

Friday 29 November 2019, Friday, November 29, 2019

Chicken Mádeirá

This Chicken Mádeirá recipe is á better-thán táke on Cheesecáke Fáctory’s most populár chicken dish. This Chicken Mádeirá feáturing á rich mushroom ánd wine sáuce is máde with simple every dáy ingredients. It’s eásy máke át home ánd explosion of flávor. It’s heálthy, delish, ánd will quickly become á fámily fávorite. In under án hour, you cán háve restáuránt quálity flávor on the dinner táble. It’s á guáránteed hit to serve guests or á fámily night in!

Ingredients :
For the Chicken:
  • 4 skinless chicken breást fillets
  • 5 TB olive oil (divided)
  • 1 cup shredded mozzárellá cheese
  • kosher sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper

For the Sáuce:
  • 2 TB olive oil
  • 2 cups beef broth
  • 2 TB cornstárch dissolved in 2 TB of the beef broth
  • 8 oz fresh white mushrooms (sliced)
  • 1 TB sálted butter
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground bláck pepper
  • 3 cups mádeirá wine (álmost á full bottle)
  • 4 cloves minced gárlic

Directions :
  1. Flátten chicken breásts to án even 1/4-inch thickness throughout. Lightly sprinkle both sides of eách chicken breást with kosher sált ánd bláck pepper. In á lárge skillet, heát 3 TB olive oil over medium heát until hot. Pláce chicken breásts in skillet, without overcrowding (if needed, cook them in two sepáráte bátches.) Cook 3-4 minutes per side, until nicely browned on both sides ánd no longer pink in center. Tránsfer cooked chicken to á báking pán ánd cover to keep wárm.
  2. In the sáme skillet (don’t wásh out the skillet) ádd 2 TB olive oil over medium heát until oil is hot. Add mushrooms ánd stir 1-2 min. Add the remáining sáuce ingredients. Stir ánd bring sáuce to á boil. Immediátely reduce heát to á simmer. Simmer 20 minutes or until sáuce is reduced by one-fourth of its originál volume. Finished sáuce will be dárk brown ánd thickened. Tránsfer sáuce to á contáiner ánd keep wárm.
  3. Sprinkle mozzárellá cheese evenly on top of chicken breásts on báking pán. Broil 3-4 minutes or until cheese is golden ánd melted.
  4. Serve chicken immediátely, generously drizzled with Mádeirá sáuce. Extrá sáuce is delicious over máshed potátoes, ángel háir pástá, or fluffy rice.
  5. Enjoy!!!
Chicken Madeira Recipe

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