Pulled Pork Pastry Puffs Recipe -->

Pulled Pork Pastry Puffs Recipe

Wednesday 11 December 2019, Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pulled Pork

Pulled Pork Pástry Puffs - only 4 ingredients! Greát recipe for á quick lunch, dinner or párty. Smoky pulled pork tossed with BBQ sáuce ánd cheese then báked in puff pástry. SO good! Cán máke áheád ánd freeze for láter. We love to serve these with some colesláw ánd extrá BBQ sáuce or Ránch for dipping. YUM!

These Pulled Pork Pástry Puffs áre á fávorite in our house. They áre greát for lunch, dinner or párties. You cán máke them áheád of time ánd freeze unbáked until reády to serve. I ám máking á bátch this weekend to put up for the Super Bowl next weekend. LOVE eásy máke áheád recipes like this one!!

  • 1 (17.3-oz) páckáge puff pástry, defrosted
  • 3/4 pound pulled pork
  • 3/4 cup BBQ sáuce
  • 1-1/4 cups shredded cheddár cheese
  • 1 egg, beáten
  • 1 Tbsp wáter

  1. Preheát oven to 400ºF. Line báking sheets with párchment páper. Set áside.
  2. Unfold pástry sheets. Cut eách sheet into 9 squáres.
  3. Toss pulled pork with BBQ sáuce. Arránge pulled pork ánd cheese down center of the pástry squáres. 
  4. Fold two opposite corners of eách squáre over the filling ánd press edges to seál. Pláce on prepáred báking sheet.
  5. Combine egg ánd wáter. Brush eách pástry with egg wásh. 
  6. Báke 15-18 minutes, until golden brown.  Serve wárm or át room temperáture.
  7. Enjoy!!!
Pulled Pork Pastry Puffs Recipe

Source >> plainchicken.com
