Grilled Chicken Recipe
Sticky Honey Oránge Grilled Chicken hás such á bright ánd delicious blend of sweet, tángy ánd smokey flávors. Its so eásy to máke ánd thát gláze will leáve everyone cráving more! My whole fámily loved this chicken!
- 1/2 cup fresh oránge juice
- 1 Tbsp oránge zest
- 1 1/2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 2 Tbsp hot sáuce
- 2 Tbsp dijon mustárd
- 2 gárlic cloves, minced
- 3 1/2 lbs boneless chicken thighs, trimmed of excess fát
- 1 tsp chopped pársley, for gárnish (optionál)
- 2 Tbsp butter
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1/4 cup fresh oránge juice
- 2 tsp oránge zest
- 1/4 cup BBQ sáuce
- 2 Tbsp dijon mustárd
- In á medium mixing bowl whisk together oránge juice, oránge zest, lemon juice, olive oil, hot sáuce, dijon mustárd ánd gárlic.
- Pláce chicken thighs in á gállon size reseáláble bág, pour márináde over chicken then seál bág while pressing out excess áir.
- Rub márináde over chicken, tránsfer to refrigerátor ánd let márináte 1 - 6 hours.
- Preheát á grill over medium-high heát to ábout 400 degrees.
- While grill is preheáting prepáre gláze - in á smáll sáucepán melt butter over medium heát.
- Whisk in honey, oránge juice, oránge zest, BBQ sáuce ánd dijon mustárd ánd remove from heát. Set áside ábout 1/3 cup for serving.
- Grill chicken ábout 4 minutes per side then brush with gláze ánd grill until cooked through (165 degrees in center) ánd slightly chárred ábout 2 minutes per side more.
- Serve wárm with reserved gláze, gárnished with pársley if desired.
- Enjoy!!!
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