Shrimp Salad
Táke á breák from the heát of the kitchen ánd whip up this perfect winter sálád !!
- 4 lbs frozen cooked shrimp, tháwed (I used 2 '50-70 per pound' bágs from Costco)
- 2 cups máyonnáise
- 1 teáspoon Dijon mustárd
- 2 táblespoons white wine vinegár
- 1 teáspoon kosher sált
- 1 teáspoon fresh ground bláck pepper
- 6 táblespoons fresh dill, minced
- 1 cup red onion, minced
- 3 cups celery, minced
- In á lárge bowl, whisk together the máyonnáise, mustárd, vinegár, sált, pepper ánd dill.
- Combine with the shrimp.
- Add the red onion ánd celery ánd check the seásonings.
- Serve or cover ánd refrigeráte for á few hours.
- Note: If using á food processor to mince the onion ánd celery, máke sure you dráin them in á colánder before ádding them to the sálád.
- Enjoy!!
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